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 Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go

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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go   Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 EmptyMon Apr 19, 2010 12:10 pm

First topic message reminder :

Of your top five and bottom five, please limit to two athletes per individual team. So for me, my top five could have at most two players from the Caps, Skins, etc

Eligible leagues:
NFL - football
NHL – ice hockey
NBA – men’s basketball
MLB - baseball
MLS – men’s soccer
WNBA – women’s basketball
WPS – women’s soccer

Fortunately in Washington, we have a team for every one of these leagues

Must sees:

Alex Ovechkin, Washington Capitals: 100 pts a year comes out of him, still he’s a sick scorer, but has become a great dish man as of late. Easily the LeBron James of hockey

Nicklas Backstrom, Washington Capitals: Another 100 pts a year man: He is much more of a Chris Paul than a LeBron, but he has scored many more goals this season

Brian Orakpo, Washington Redskins: A monster hybrid DE/LB. Yes, another man in the middle helped his stats, but even without him, he is a freak!

Ivan Rodriguez, Washington Nationals: He is a glue guy and locker room leader. The current day Johnny Bench. Always has been a stand up man too.

Abby Wambach, Washington Freedom: WPS is a niche league and I don’t care for the league very much. But I have seen her play on the world stage (most of you have too) and she is one of the best scorers in the game, and was the best for much of this past decade. If you ever go out to the MD Soccer Plex in Boyds, MD, definitely catch a Freedom game

Close but no cigar: Katie Smith (Mystics); Ryan Zimmerman (Nats); No Strasburg because he is in the minors for now; and Chris Cooley (Skins)

Ship ‘em outta town:
Gilbert Arenas, Washington Wizards: One of the best shooters in the NBA, has become a better PG than what people give him credit for, but the gun incident is unforgiveable, plus his pranks, and he sat on his $111 million like a fat cat

Albert Haynesworth, Washington Redskins: First, he's an athletic freak at his size. He could be Wes Unseld with Dwight's hops. But he won’t practice with the team, as a Skin he's always out of shape and needs oxygen or a cart after every three plays, even with his guys, has a rap sheet too. In general, he slacked off after he got $100 million. Gil took his 100 million for granted, and for good reason actually because he can do anything besides brutal rap and murder. Ovie on the other hand tried 10 times harder once he got $100 million.

Clinton Portis, Washington Redskins: Out of shape last year and never practiced. Needed oxygen after mundane plays. Didn't ay the best of things about past Skins (not Lavar Arrington) who did a million times more than he has over ever will (uh, John Riggins?). He's a good player, probably still has a year or two in him if he practices hard, and he is doing that better than Albert at this point because he wants to keep his job.

Nikki Blue, G, Washington Mystics: At least I don’t have to deal with character issues with her. But she gets blown by almost every 1[sup]st,2nd, , and 3rd tier G in the WNBA, and Joe Six Packs think that even the best WNBA players would lose to average looking men. Essentially she’s a waste of roster space, even last year. From that standpoint, ship her out of town, but her character is classy, unlike the first three I mentioned.

Quintin Ross, G/F, Washington Wizards: He is disgracing that #3 jersey every time he’s on the floor. On a good day, he shoots worse than DeShawn on a bad day, not all that much better on D, and he’s a stick. We traded away our Tough Juice who is now known as Musk Daddy and now we have Fluff Juice. Again, he’s a good guy, but sports is a business

Testing My Patience: Rocky McIntosh (Redskins)
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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go   Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2010 3:42 pm

thewiz06 wrote:
Ship ‘em outta town:
Gilbert Arenas, Washington Wizards: One of the best shooters in the NBA, has become a better PG than what people give him credit for, but the gun incident is unforgiveable, plus his pranks, and he sat on his $111 million like a fat cat

Well he still is one of the best shooters in the NBA... Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 452865
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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go   Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2010 3:45 pm

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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go   Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2010 3:45 pm

He is big as shit lol but he could be like haloti ngata..he's got the athleticism and the speed....we'll see.
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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go   Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2010 3:46 pm

cbi wrote:
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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go   Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2010 3:48 pm

raza's post deserved that.
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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go   Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2010 11:42 pm

DEAD wrote:
Must Sees

Monta Ellis - this guy drives like a crackhead, as SK would say.

Steph Curry - this guy shoots like a crackhead too!

Tim Lincecum - OMG...guess what...this guy pitches like a crackhead!

Patrick Willis - yeah, this guy hits like a crackhead.

Bengie Molina - now, this guy really does run like a crackhead. it's a beauty to watch him run.

Need to Go

Monta Ellis - Dude creates more problems than a crackhead

Andris Biedrins - 11 million dollars...what does he use that for? crack?

Barry Shithoe - gets surgery on his ass...126 million dollars...need I say more? Oh, right. He looks like a crackhead.

Alex Smith - He wears the number 11 in the gayest city in the country...need I say more?

Don Nelson - No comment.

thats my place and hes exacltly rite!!!
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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go   Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 EmptySat Jul 31, 2010 1:02 am

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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go   Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 EmptySat Jul 31, 2010 1:55 am

bball playa wrote:
DEAD wrote:
Must Sees

Monta Ellis - this guy drives like a crackhead, as SK would say.

Steph Curry - this guy shoots like a crackhead too!

Tim Lincecum - OMG...guess what...this guy pitches like a crackhead!

Patrick Willis - yeah, this guy hits like a crackhead.

Bengie Molina - now, this guy really does run like a crackhead. it's a beauty to watch him run.

Need to Go

Monta Ellis - Dude creates more problems than a crackhead

Andris Biedrins - 11 million dollars...what does he use that for? crack?

Barry Shithoe - gets surgery on his ass...126 million dollars...need I say more? Oh, right. He looks like a crackhead.

Alex Smith - He wears the number 11 in the gayest city in the country...need I say more?

Don Nelson - No comment.

thats my place and hes exacltly rite!!!

hahaha...I was such a crackhead back then.
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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go   Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go - Page 3 Empty

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Name the five major pro athletes in your city that you think are must sees and the five that need to go
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